Roger's Gay Taxi

Confessions of a taxi driver addicted to the 'Doctor', pizza and Cubs baseball in no particular order. Not just for women who can't have orgasms

Monday, August 29, 2005

Because when you save yourself for marriage, the Terrorists have already won

I think the above title speaks for itself; just in case you have a hard time figuring it out, let's review:

1. The terrorists don't like premarital sex. They think it will send you to hell. But if you don't sin, then you get to have sex with virgins in Paradise later, after you've killed a bunch of infidels. That is just so fucked up.
2. Sex with virgins is over-rated. I prefer a more experienced hand if you know what I mean.
3. America is all about freedom. That's why G.W. loves "freedom" so much.
4. Freedom of anything has to include freedom of sexuality. Just look at Cheney's daughter, and wife!
5. Some consider Catholicism a Christian religion, and they Explicitly endorse non-marital relations between priests and just about anybody so long as they're not a woman. But I think they prefer virgins too. Still fucked up.
6. Is it any wonder Tom Cruise is "in love" with a woman that won't have sex with him? Hmmmmmmm ...
7. Control of women's bodies and reproduction is SO first two millenia.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

I'm Always Ahead of the Curve

Just a few examples of inimitable Rog-ness:

I was telling everyone that "Dave Matthews is Shit" or "Dave Matthews is shitty" or "Stay away from that Disgusting South African Crap" for years before he released 800 gallons of his piss and shit on the denizens of Chicago. Have you ever seen reality mimic 'art' so perfectly?

I told Zornig for YEARS that a drunk like him should not have a glass coffee table. Period. He also shouldn't be allowed anything sharper than a butter knife or be allowed to use any utensils other than a plastic Spork, but these realities will come with the fullness of time.

I gave up on the majority of pork products years ago. Someday in the future, when you're living either in your internment camp or in your compound somewhere out in the Rockies and you're dying of Pork Cancer you're going to look back on me and my divine light of rightness and not quite smile. Please Note: This has nothing to do with my Ass, that is a completely different subject that will be addressed later in my forthcoming online novel, Ass Be Not Proud.

Thursday, August 18, 2005


I have always worried about the size of my penis. When I have sex, even though he/she says that the sex is good, I know that what he/she really wants is an extra inch!

3 months ago I found The Cooter. I just put it on whilst I'm driving the car and when I'm sleeping. It stays hidden on my computer and it is really surprisingly comfortable and soft.

I could tell that my penis was getting longer and heavier, but I thought that when I turned the Cooter off I would shrink back to original size. I was really surprised!

I have been 4.5" long since adolescence.
When I turned off The Cooter I was measuring 6.5"
After not reading her blog for a week, I am still 6" long!

The lengthening is permanent!

I could not believe the results of this Blog. I am back to reading it again and I'm still getting larger! My tricks say it is the best enhancement I've ever brought to the table, and they ALWAYS reminds me to turn it on if I forget!

Take a peek... We know it works. There's a total guarantee with it, too. If you are not completely satisfied with your length gain and comfort you get your money back. Every penny. No-one sends them back!

The Cooter corrects the curve of the penis too, straightening out sharp bends as new cells grow!

Check it out:


Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Just so my position is clear:

It's pussy I like,

Monday, August 08, 2005

Hello, Sailor!

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Because We've All Been There Before