Roger's Gay Taxi

Confessions of a taxi driver addicted to the 'Doctor', pizza and Cubs baseball in no particular order. Not just for women who can't have orgasms

Monday, April 04, 2005

I will fuck "the 49" and make it my bitch

Look, I suffer a lot of indignities being a taxicab driver, and usually I don't complain unless there's a body fluid involved that I'm not being paid extra for...

but, really, I must protest. Driving around the suburban neighborhoods of our fair city, i see these signs, signs which more or less look like realty signs, which advertise "the". Notice that I am not linking to them because

1) they suck ass
2) there is nothing there
3) this is partially why they suck ass
4) umm, let's see, advertising...nothing? Yeah, I'll take some of that.

Something is lost on me somewhere, the blog has a title, that they are the 49% who didn't vote for Bush, we know that, but why advertise the utter lack of anything to say about it is not just beyond me—it's beneath me. And I'm crushing it with my weight.

Now, before I arouse myself any more, let's give them a fair shake of the analysis stick and see if we can determine if they're up to anyting positive. Hmm, let's see...they're waiting, not like a shark, but like a stone, almost about to pounce. Just wait a while, and that rock might get up and come over and say "Hi!"

Oh, and I didn't mean to complain at the beginning. I am compensated for all the indignities I'm subjected to on the job.


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