Roger's Gay Taxi

Confessions of a taxi driver addicted to the 'Doctor', pizza and Cubs baseball in no particular order. Not just for women who can't have orgasms

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Cocks in Fox


Cocks in box.
Cocks in Fox.

Cocks in fox in socks in box.

Cocks in Fox on box on locks.

Chicks with clits come.
Chicks with Cocks come.
Chicks with clits and blocks and cocks come.

Look, sir. Look, sir. Mr. Knox, sir.
Let's do tricks with clits and cocks, sir.
Let's do tricks with chicks with cocks, sir.

First, I'll make a quick trick clit stack.
Then I'll make a quick trick cock stack.

You can make a quick trick chick stack.
You can make a quick clit cock stack.

And here's a new trick, Mr. Knox....
Cocks in chicks and clits on fox.
Cocks in Fox on bricks and blocks.
Clits and cocks on Knox on box.

Now we come to clits and cocks, sir.
Try to say this Mr. Knox, sir....

Cocks on fox tick.
Cocks on Knox tock.
Six sick bricks tick.
Six sick chicks lick.

Please, sir. I don't like this trick, sir.
My tongue isn't quick or slick, sir.
I get all those clits and cocks, sir,
mixed up with the chicks with cocks, sir.
I can't do it, Mr. Fox, sir.

I'm so sorry, Mr. Knox, sir.


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