Roger's Gay Taxi

Confessions of a taxi driver addicted to the 'Doctor', pizza and Cubs baseball in no particular order. Not just for women who can't have orgasms

Monday, March 20, 2006

My Taxi is Gay!

I'm not surprising anyone here, anymore. Maybe poor lil' 'ol innocent Coot... nah, maybe not.

Speakin' of the old Devil herself, she turned me on to a cute little Meme. I think she meant Meems because maybe Miss Meems thought it up, but then again, I'm not really sure. The point is, you ask yourself these questions, fill up your blog with the answers, then everyone fills up your comments and their blogs with their answers and their responses to your answers. So it's like a big cluster-fuck, or a circle jerk, or some kind of something where everyone comes all over everybody else. While they're thinking about themselves. You know, been there, done that.

Favorite sexual positions
1. Bottom (face up)
2. Bottom (face down)
3. Seated on toilet (Blumpkin)
4. Dental Chair

Four Historical Monuments You've had Sex On
1. Steps of Old Capitol (It's an Iowa City rite of passage)
2. Sidewalk in front of the Biograph Theater. John Dillinger and I have a LOT in common.
3. Johnson County Jail. I don't want to talk about this one. But in retrospect, I learned a lot - thanks for the education, Lonny!
5.-This one is more with than on but a facial ends up as on, so... Facial on the Black Angel. This was pretty hard to achieve and involved a pretty lengthy stepladder and Skippy providing support and KY.

Favorite Place to Have Sex
1. In the butt


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