Roger's Gay Taxi

Confessions of a taxi driver addicted to the 'Doctor', pizza and Cubs baseball in no particular order. Not just for women who can't have orgasms

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

The Parable of the Gay Fox

Once upon a time, and a very good time it was, there was a moo-cow coming down along the road where Baby Roger lived. Baby Roger loved life in the country, where the cowboys dressed like ladys and a date with a sheep was a simple pasture's walk away.

But one day Baby Roger was running late and needed to get across the river. It was swollen with a torrent of water from the Spring Thaw, and what with his morbid fears and paranoias Baby Roger didn't think he could quite cross it on his own. He sat down by the polished stones on the river bank and began to cry.

"Waaaahhhhh!" cried Baby Roger.

"Don't cry, Baby Roger!" interrupted a stranger's voice.

Baby Roger roused himself from his tears to see the Gay Fox standing beside him with an inflatable raft and a bottle of "poppers".

"Don't cry, Baby Roger! I'll take you across the river," said the Gay Fox.

"Really?" Baby Roger questioned. Baby Roger was inherently suspicious of all modes of transportation, particularly planes and rafts.

"Yes, really," said the Gay Fox, and smiled with his large, foxy teeth.

"Hmmm, hey, wait a minute..." Baby Roger thought to himself, out loud. "You just want to get me out in the middle of the river so you can recruit me to gaydom through sodomy and oral sex!"

Baby Roger had heard about Teh Gheys from his local Christian Ministry.

"Oh, no, Baby Roger! I wouldn't do that!" said the Gay Fox, taken aback.

"Hmmm, all right then. But no funny gay stuff!" Baby Roger said, thinking his most macho thoughts of football.

The Gay Fox quickly inflated his raft and soon they were on their way across the river. Baby Roger was actually enjoying the ride across the velvety rapids. Then, they reached the half-way point and the Gay Fox began to fellate him.

"Hey, I thought you said no funny gay stuff!" Baby Roger exclaimed, surprised.

"I can't help it. (mmmpphhh) It's in my nature! (mmmppph)" mumbled the Gay Fox.

"Okay!" ejaculated Baby Roger.

And to this day the sound of running water gives Roger a raging hard-on.

The End.


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