Roger's Gay Taxi

Confessions of a taxi driver addicted to the 'Doctor', pizza and Cubs baseball in no particular order. Not just for women who can't have orgasms

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

I would have done Rosa Luxemburg. Wouldn't you?

Sure, Germany has lots of Kultur. That's no surprise, and one of the reasons why we like them better than the French these days—unless I'm mistaken and we're back to calling Sauerkraut "liberty cabbage" again (oh for those sweet, sweet yesterdays when my colon could tolerate delicacies like cabbage...)

It's hard to keep up with such an active president - keeping track of world events is like being Smokey the Bear racing through the forest trying to identify and squelch the forest fires that have been started by a pyromaniac frat boy on a Texas-style spree.

But what you really need to hear, if you want to see the teleological resting place of Wagner, Nietzsche, and Goethe, is the following. You need go no further than Schnappi das kleine Krokodil (currently no. 1 in Germany, de-throning the luscious Hasselhoff).


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